Simple, effective
solutions to
The art of the possible

Who We Are

SNS Technology Inc. is a
DevOps and software development consultancy that delivers innovative solutions using cutting-edge technology.

We are technology enthusiasts dedicated to driving innovation that positively impacts our world. Leveraging technology and asking the right questions to bring you results in the form of reliable, high-quality software. We help you build great software because we are constantly searching for better ways to achieve our goals.

Research & Planning

At the start of every project, we conduct extensive research to help us gain a unique insight into the problems and determine the most effective way to solve them. In collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, we define a clear requirements specification as the foundation of our proposed solution.

Design & Development

Guided by the pre-defined requirements specification, we design and develop the solution using an agile methodology. This approach allows us to continuously gather feedback from stakeholders and make improvements until we agree on the ideal solution.


The testing stage is integral. We enable the creation of high-quality software and solid foundations for future improvements through rigorous testing during and after the development stage. Integration and cross-functional tests help us to ensure we achieve this objective. Testing is done in multiple staging environments before software is finally deployed to production.

Cloud Deployment

Enjoy the numerous benefits of Cloud-Native Development. Our process follows DevOps best practices, which results in the smooth deployment of your newly built software solution. We also leverage GitHub (VCS) and Continuous Integration & Deployment (CI/CD) with a view to achieving zero downtime deployments and ensuring high availability.

What We Do

We design, develop & deploy scalable software solutions

Cloud Computing & DevOps

SNS offers various Cloud and DevOps services including; Cloud-Native App Development, Solution Architecture, Infrastructure Automation & Observability. We seamlessly migrate your data to the cloud with minimal downtime and offer critical guidance on security best practices and cost-optimisation for serverless apps. Our projects are hosted on AWS (Amazon Web Services), including our website! Other tools we leverage include Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes & Github Actions.

Web Application & Software Development

With SNS, you can modernise existing websites and apps or build a Proof of Concept (Minimum Viable Product) from scratch. Our offering ensures you take advantage of the benefits of the cloud and deliver cost-effective software your users will love. Your website represents your organisation, it is important that it is resilient, responsive and scalable. Our most recent projects were built using a range of tools including; Python (Django & Flask), C#, Java, Golang, JavaScript, GitHub (VCS & Actions).


SNS Labs:
Explore our recent "experiments".

SNS Labs is our internal Research & Design (R&D) lab dedicated to creating and building solutions for both internal and external use. By leveraging the expertise of our team, we extend access to the solutions developed in SNS Labs to the broader public. Our goal is to build a catalog of innovative solutions that offer significant benefits to every user.


Supercharge your productivity. The application includes an AI assistant, effective to-do lists, practice tests, flashcards, progress tracking and more. Click the image below to find out more...